Forced Labor Standards

The RLI promotes elements of the RBA Code of Conduct that apply to ethical recruitment and employment of workers, such as Freely Chosen Employment, Young Workers, Working Hours, Wages and Benefits, Humane Treatment, Non-Discrimination/Harassment and Freedom of Association.

The RLI promotes elements of the RBA Code of Conduct that apply to ethical recruitment and employment of workers, such as Freely Chosen Employment, Young Workers, Working Hours, Wages and Benefits, Humane Treatment, Non-Discrimination/Harassment and Freedom of Association. These standards are derived from and aligned with internationally recognized principles and instruments to help ensure the highest level of conformance, including:

  • UNDP Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • ILO Forced Labor Protocol
  • OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct

These standards are supported by an internationally recognized Definition of Fees (DoF) that is aligned with the intent and principles in the above guidelines and instruments. This DoF is updated annually to remain up to date in addressing emerging or evolving issues related to recruitment fees as well as to align with reference standards from regulatory bodies and international government organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO). 

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